Still asking myself if I should keep doing this. Ok; poetry! Dorothea Lasky is a younger poet, I guess since age is relative I should clarify that she's young compared to our idea of poets as old guys. Here's something from her bio that I liked: 'Known for her colloquial, even slangy style and dramatic readings, Lasky acknowledges that “there is a kind of arrogance, a kind of supreme power, that when infused with a little real humility and expertise, makes a poem. Because the poem is always about the speaker.” ' This is interesting to me, because I was always taught that you never assume the speaker is the poet. But yes, the thoughts and feelings and desires of the poem do come from the speaker. I also like the implied contrast of "expertise" and "power", where arrogance and humility are contrasted. I like these ideas, and miss the feeling of arrogance and power as a speaker (perhaps I had these things when I had no expertise by design. I still have no expertise though. Plot hole.)
There Is No Name Yet
Dorothea Lasky
Until I find a name
I will not put it in the soul calculator
I will leave it free and open and unnamed
And not limit my expectations for the kind of person
That goes in one direction of the wind
I will keep all lines of the wind open
And place all my days free and empty
And re-envision what it means to be unencumbered
Or bereft
Not crying but the expanse of numbers
That go beyond the grave to what is left
And it may be true
I said it could be true
That the sunny days do stick to walls
And then enter you
It may be true that the purple bells do chime
Everyday you let them
It may be true that the sweet juice
I put across my lips would not be my last
But that the nights could get better and better
Until the evil is banished until the day
When the sun would crush it anyway
It was true without a set of things like letters
It was true the air was free and open
And I saw things as they were
Without violence
For the first time
Lilac Field
To perform death is something only humans would do
No animal would sit there
With a blank look on its face
Just because the camera is there
No no an animal would look directly in it
Or cover its face, like the overweight
Woman in the picture in the magazine
By the room where I keep my bed
What people don’t understand about beauty
Is that after all it is not fleeting
After all it is so gross to be that way
That someone sees among you
After all, to call into question
I painted my lips, my eyes
Only our scholars know that
To perform is to be malleable
To perform in language
Or was it
The large purple insect I let in the room
Or was it the furred face — the hippo or the gorge
That I was the devil in the wood
In my own bones that I knew the face
That I took that face
Was it midnight blue sky
No, were my wings iridescent
Even in these lines
The voice moves you
What sense of exquisite cause
Moves you past these lines
Into conversation
With the undead
I don’t know
That is something
You will have to answer for yourself
I came back to this place to help you
And that I did
Shoot sparks of green and gray
Through time
What skin sack
I put myself in
I mean for what, why,
Or who
Did I manage to do this for if not you
Lilaced thing
The soft rustle of beetle wings
In air that is warm and gray
And is not strong
But there, is there to carry us past it